Frustration of India’s candle class derailing democracy


Candle March, Candle Class, Civil Society Protest, Political hooliganism, Protest against government, Track2Media ResearchLet’s discuss India’s internal politics, international relations, war with Pak….prepare a road map with half-baked perspective and ignorant rant and give it to the Government of India to implement verbatim. All this only on the Facebook, to hell with military secrecy, discuss war strategy here.

Failing this, we will take to streets with Candles in both hands and esoteric verbose like “Kranti” and “Andolan”. We are Candle Class of India, or to speak plainly, disgruntled urban middle class of India. We are constipated with overdose of democracy and it is not every day that our violent protest at India Gate gets the due dose of Delhi Police largesse.

Ever since a section of India’s middle class has got into the obsession of assuming social media outlets like Facebook and twitter as the real world, they have turned out to be a peculiar and funny case study for the researchers of clinical psychology.

With the new connotation of being referred as the “Candle Class,” if given choice these otherwise most influence-less people would like to run the country on Facebook itself, right from foreign policy to domestic local regulation…all prescribed on Facebook only, as they don’t have influence beyond Facebook.

Of course, they have been pro-active to join protest against the government, without realising that their presence is only being channelised by the vested political groups over there, be it on the issue of corruption or rape.

Even when legendary stateman like Lord keene had said that politics unfortunately suffers from being the one subject in which everyone is an expert, he had absolutely no idea of the emergence of India’s candle class in due course of time.

However, what baffles the most with the behavioural dilemma of this social media obsessed candle class is not just ignorant rant or half-baked perspective but sheer contradiction. India must opt for retaliation and attack the Pakistan is the common mandate, if social media outlets are any indication where they vent out their anger and, to be more specific, their frustration.

My dear candle class, you are the one to oppose this very same government for inflation in general and fuel in particular. Do you bloody understand that war costs on the nation and for a petroleum starved nation like India, your domestic fuel will be the first to be affected? Do you understand that by opting for a repeated provocation to India, Pakistan has destroyed its economy? Do you understand there can’t be a full-fledged war between two nuclear powers?

India, by the sheer fact that it opted for restrained military might, has been an economic giant in the region after China. Should your abrupt provocative overtones lead us to Pakistan’s way? Will you sacrifice your air conditioned lifestyle for the nation? No, you will only crib on Facebook.

Similarly, the Pakistan’s Supreme Court asking the Prime Minister to be arrested is something that India’s candle class takes a sadistic pleasure with. The hooligans among them even go to the extent of asking when will this happen in India. It will never, and efforts to derail democracy will not succeed.

It is time to stop the hypocrisy of you candle class.

By: Ravi Sinha


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